A dedicated crowdfunding platform for members of our university community.
Bristol Crowdfunding is a dedicated University crowdfunding platform for Bristol students, staff and alumni. Not only do we provide the technology, we provide you with the framework and materials for you to successfully fundraise for your University ideas and projects. You can also use this site to fundraise for a charitable cause at the University of Bristol.
You’ll get the opportunity to work alongside expert, professional fundraisers from the University’s Fundraising Team.
Do you offer match funding?
Crowdfunding projects submitted as part of our calls for projects by Bristol SU Clubs and Societies will be eligible for up to £500 of match funding. If you raise the first 50% of your project fundraising target you can unlock up to £500 of match funding. This match funding has been generously donated by Bristol alumni and friends and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. For more information about this, and to be the first to be notified when we open calls for projects, please contact uob-crowdfunding@bristol.ac.uk.
How does Bristol Crowdfunding work?
Find out more about the process and how the University's Fundraising Team can support you in making your ideas reality.
What kinds of projects are suitable for Bristol Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding projects can be for almost anything. They should have a community benefit (they cannot benefit only one person) and support a University based idea. There are a few guidelines that you must adhere to, which you can check out here once you’ve made an account.
Maybe you need funding to help with the costs of travel for a conference or production? Perhaps your group needs to replace some kit. You might be planning on hosting an academic workshop with other experts in your field? Whatever your idea, if it benefits Bristol students, staff or our wider University community we would love to hear from you.
Crowdfunding can be fast, efficient and effective when done right but project success depends on you. The more dedicated, creative and organised you and your team are, the more successful your project is likely to be, and the more fun you will have!
Can I fundraise for a cause that already exists at Bristol?
Alternatively, you might be motivated to fundraise for an existing fundraising cause at the University. This includes undertaking fundraising for our Healthy Minds programme as part of the Bristol Run Series. But it could also include other challenges or community events.
Please note, Bristol Crowdfunding is unable to support fundraising for other charities as the University of Bristol is a registered exempt charity itself.
If you’re not sure if Bristol Crowdfunding is right for you and your idea, please do get in touch using uob-crowdfunding@bristol.ac.uk
How do I create a project?
Simply login and enter a few key details: a description of what you want to do, a funding target and completion date, and some rewards for pledges. Images and videos will also bring your project to life! We offer advice, tips, and feedback all along the way.
Who runs Bristol Crowdfunding?
Bristol Crowdfunding is run by the Philanthropy Office, part of the Global Engagement Division. Crowdfunding is just one way which someone can support the work of the University; to read more about how Philanthropy helps current students and staff, please visit our website.