Up In Arms


You can donate any amount


No Reward

Just donate to the project without receiving a reward

£5 or more

We are incredibly grateful for your support!

We are incredibly grateful for your support!

Estimated delivery: 1 June 2025

£15 or more

You'll receive a poster of the film signed by the crew. Thank you!

You'll receive a poster of the film signed by the crew. Thank you!

Estimated delivery: 1 June 2025

£25 or more

You'll receive a personal thank you from the crew, a signed poster, and a digital version of the film. You'll also be mentioned in the credits. Thanks for your support!

You'll receive a personal thank you from the crew, a signed poster, and a digital version of the film. You'll also be mentioned in the credits. Thanks for your support!

Estimated delivery: 1 June 2025

£50 or more

Additionally to all previous rewards, you'll receive access to limited BTS footage, which includes deleted scenes/outtakes. Thank you!

Additionally to all previous rewards, you'll receive access to limited BTS footage, which includes deleted scenes/outtakes. Thank you!

Estimated delivery: 1 June 2025

£100 or more

In addition to all previous rewards, you'll also receive access to an early private screening with the crew. Thanks very much!

In addition to all previous rewards, you'll also receive access to an early private screening with the crew. Thanks very much!

Estimated delivery: 1 June 2025

Gift visibility

Choose how you would like your contribution to be displayed

This is how your donation is displayed on the project. If you decide not to give anonymously we will list your name in the University of Bristol's supporters on our website in November each year.

Your details will always be visible to the University of Bristol and the project creator.

Your details

Home Address

This is the address your reward will be sent to. If you change address please contact the project creator directly.


What is your relationship to the University of Bristol?

Tick all that apply


You can change your communications preferences at any time by emailing alumni@bristol.ac.uk or calling +44 (0)117 394 1046. If you don’t already hear from us, please let us know if we can contact you in the following ways.

We may also occasionally contact you by post. You can stop this or change the way we communicate with you at any time by emailing us at alumni@bristol.ac.uk, phoning us on +44 (0)117 394 1047.

We hold your data (including contact details previously provided to the University) securely on the University's alumni database. It will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act. You can read more about our data policy at www.bristol.ac.uk/alumni/update-your-details/how-we-use-your-data.


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