caused 1 donation of £20.00
generated 4 clicks
donated £50.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £80.00
A project by: Finn Dempster
caused 1 donation of £20.00
generated 4 clicks
donated £50.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £80.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
13 claimedWe are incredibly grateful for your support!
2 claimedYou'll receive a poster of the film signed by the crew. Thank you!
2 claimedYou'll receive a personal thank you from the crew, a signed poster, and a digital version of the film. You'll also be mentioned in the credits. Thanks for your support!
1 claimedAdditionally to all previous rewards, you'll receive access to limited BTS footage, which includes deleted scenes/outtakes. Thank you!
0 claimedIn addition to all previous rewards, you'll also receive access to an early private screening with the crew. Thanks very much!
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: