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UBSC Women's Sailing needs your support

A project by: Bristol Sailing


WE RAISED £1,555

from 28 donors

4 weeks ago

Thank you SO MUCH for all the extremely kind and generous support! We have passed our updated goal of £1250 which has allowed us to pay for 3 team entries to the ladies team racing nationals! Overall with entry and transport the cost per person was around £180, now with support from this fundraiser and our club we have got the cost down to around £65! This is incredible and has opened up this opportunity to so many of us who otherwise would have not been able to afford it. 

We still have 12 days left, please continue to share this page with family and friends and from this point onwards all donations will be going towards the purchase of women's sailing kit for the club to allow ladies without their own kit to train comfortably and safely. 

Thank you again, its really making a difference :)