Pantosoc Fringe 2024

A project by: Dobbin Pantosc



from 9 donors

5 months, 3 weeks ago

OUR EDFRINGE SHOW WAS A SUCCESS! A Cinderella Panto, over and out! After our 8 days up at Edinburgh, we performed 6 shows, of which we sold out not one, but TWO shows! We also got a 4 stars review by Chris Omaweng ( cast and crew have an absolutely amazing time! Thank you again for your donation. Now, we continue need your support in order to provide this amazing opportunity to future panto generation :) 

6 months ago

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! We have successfully completed the sponsored walk and are getting closer and closer to our trip to Edinburgh. Any money donated from this point will support not just this show, but all our future Fringe shows as we can start to build an emergency Fringe fund to give us the security to guarantee the trip each year. Any donations are so incredibly appreciated and hopefully we will see lots of you at the preview on Thursday or in Edinburgh.

6 months, 1 week ago

We are doing a preview of our show this Thursday! Show up and buy ticket on the door :)

6 months, 1 week ago

We will receive £500 more from the Uni once we reach £500! This would mean that all our members can afford going up to Edinburgh Fringe this year, it also gives us more security for the future of our society.We really appreciate your donation! It means a lot to us :) Please continue sharing the page, and donate more if you can!

6 months, 1 week ago

We got an event coming up to encourage fundraising! Come join us next Monday (5th August) :)

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Panto maths?! Whatever amount you can help us with today is worth double! ✨ We are aiming to raise at least £150 to support our cast to go up to Edinburgh's Fringe festival this summer!

💰After reaching the minimal £150, the University will unlock another £150 for us through the match/paired fundraising scheme made possible by the Philanthropy Office. Any amount you give today will get us closer to receiving the £150 university match funding that will get us all to the Fringe!